


来源:南方都市报     2021年06月28日        版次:CB07    作者:蒋模婷






  “对于任何一个品牌来说,被世界上最受关注的足球明星这样对待都是大件事,”Tim Crow,20年来建议可口可乐赞助足球活动体育营销顾问这样说道。“可乐品牌花费上百万美元成为欧洲足球联合会的赞助商,与此同时参赛团体有义务在新闻发布会上和赞助商品牌产品一同出镜。但事情总是有风险的。”


  “C罗站在网红吸金的金字塔顶端”,PR专家Mark Borkowski说道。“这是个人品牌的崛起,具有非常强大的影响力。所以C罗不惧于强调他对健康生活方式的追求。”








  Does Coca-Cola’s $4 billion evaporation

  have something to do with Cristiano Ronaldo?

  During a Euro 2020 press conference last week, soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo irritably moved two bottles of Coca-Cola aside, one of the official sponsors of the event, and then picked up a bottle of water.

“água!” he exclaimed in Portuguese, setting the bottle down in the center of his desk.

As this video went viral, a number of outlets reported that Ronaldo’s Coca-Cola snub had cost the company billions of dollars. The exact cost of the snub varied from outlet to outlet, but the general claim was that it cost Coca-Cola between $4 and $5 billion.

Ronaldo is right at the top of social media earners

“It’s obviously a big moment for any brand when the world’s most followed footballer on social media does something like that,” says Tim Crow, a sports marketing consultant who advised Coca-Cola on football sponsorship for two decades. “Coke pays tens of millions to be a Uefa sponsor and as part of that there are contractual obligations for federations and teams, including taking part in press conferences with logos and products. But there are always risks.”

Ronaldo is famous for his dedicated approach to health and fitness. He is known to eat six meals and take five naps a day, which he documents to his almost 300 million Instagram followers.

“Ronaldo is right at the top of social media earners,” says PR expert Mark Borkowski. “It is about the rise of the personal brand, the personal channel, it gives so much bloody power. That’s what has allowed Ronaldo to make a point about a healthy lifestyle.”

Now 36, the world’s most famous footballer has built an empire that has seen him make more than $1bn (£720m) in football salaries, bonuses and commercial activities such as sponsorships. What is crucial is the global platform social media has given him – half a billion followers on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook – which has freed him from following the commercial rules of clubs, tournaments and their sponsors. He is the highest earner on Instagram, commanding $1m per paid post, and with more than $40m in income from the social media platform annually he makes more than his salary at Juventus.

These fluctuations have nothing to do with Ronaldo

But Did Ronaldo’s Coca-Cola Snub really cost the Company Billions?

While Coca-Cola’s stock truly fell after this news conference, there was no indication that this drop was entirely caused by Ronaldo’s preference for water. In fact, Coca-Cola’s stock was already falling by the time that Ronaldo snubbed Coke products in favor of water. It’s certainly possible that Ronaldo’s endorsements (or disapproval) of Coke products could temporarily influence the stock market, but a few other facts should be noted. While a $4 billion stock drop may sound like an absolutely devastating turn of events, this really isn’t a major story for Coca-Cola. The company has seen a number of similar drops and rises over the last year, and those changes had nothing to do with Ronaldo.

According to Forbes, this may be an example of “post-truth”, which is also the Oxford English Dictionary’s Word of the Year 2016. Post-truth is defined as “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief”.

In the current (social) media landscape, truth can be deliberately manipulated, and disinformation is a growing business. The incident reveals the importance of critical thinking for business leaders, and the reading public, especially now.

文:实习生 郭文伊 南都记者 蒋模婷

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