


来源:南方都市报     2020年10月26日        版次:CB07    作者:冯芸清

↑ 健身环和腿部绑带。


这款游戏的全称是“健身环大冒险”,是2019年10月18日任天堂公司发行的一款健身游戏,需要在游戏主机Nintendo Switch上操控。游戏中,玩家需要将一只手柄通过绑带绑在腿上。同时,玩家需要双手握着“健身环”,一个圆环状的控制器。玩家可以向外拉伸或者向内推压健身环,甚至像握着方向盘一样左右旋转它。这两个装置可以监测玩家手臂、肩膀、腹部和腿部等各个部位地动作,从而让玩家更加真实地参与游戏当中。










“Does online Fitness game really help you lose weight?”

In the last year, a game went viral around the world. Although in China, its popularity is limited to computer game fans, on online shopping platforms like Taobao and Xianyu, its price once soared to over 2000 yuan from around 500 yuan originally.

The fitness game is named “Ring Fit Adventure” produced by Nintendo Inc, released one year ago on October 18, 2019. To play this game, players will wear a leg strap, sticking the left Joy-Con to the thigh, and holding the Ring-Con-a real-life steering wheel which connects to the right Joy-Cons-with both hands. As a whole, they can monitor the movements of the players’ arms, shoulders, legs, belly and other body parts.

By wearing the gears, the player can look at the screen,  jog through beautiful landscapes and engage in turn-based battles against monsters to achieve fitness goals. In order to attack and defend, players will have to do work-outs, and the game will adjust its fighting models to triggering different body movements. For instance, some monsters will be particularly weak if players present leg moves. With four different body movements models available (leg, arm, abs, and yoga), Ring Fit Adventure provides a great full-body workout.

At first, the buyers are mainly home birds who want to play games to encourage themselves to exercise. However, after the outbreak of COVID-19, gyms were locked down, many fitness lovers and official workers have to stay at homes, so many of them who seldom play video games before chose to buy Ring Fit Adventure. Moreover, the production of many Nintendo’s components suppliers were severely influenced by the pandemic. Consequently, the game once went through some severe stock shortages, and the price soared up.

Nintendo’s financial report revealed that Ring Fit Adventure has sold over 4 million copies worldwide by the end of July. According to Japanese magazine Famitsu, last week, its sales in Japan came up to 1.66 million copies. On August 20th, Tencent cooperated with Nintendo and released the game in China. Only half day after its pre-release on Jingdong, 26 thousand copies were sold, and it once sold out in early September. Some said, the sales of Ring Fit Adventure can just depend on its production.

On the anniversary of its release, a number of players praised the game for encouraging them to enjoy excises at home. Some posted the “before-and-after photos” to show that they really lost weight after playing this game. Others mocked themselves that even spending a lot on the game or gym memberships, their work-out plan is still lagged unfinished.

At the end, the unprecedented popularity of Ring Fit Adventure could be a coincidence during the COVID-19, but it can still show that home-based, game exercise is probably a blue ocean market. Fitness game is just likely to be a pioneer.

编译:实习记者 蒋模婷 南都记者 冯芸清 CFP供图

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